Mastermind groups were first mentioned in Napolean Hill’s masterpiece, Think and Grow Rich.
Hill documented how many of the world’s most successful people pointed to their participation in small groups of like-minded people as the ultimate key to their success and fortune.
For decades, mastermind groups have proven themselves to be foundational for exponential leaps in their members’ achievements and wealth.
What is a mastermind group? Usually they are groups of 10 or less people dedicated to helping each other reach their goals. In fact these groups often help the members define and refine the goals they are seeking.
The members offer ideas, hold each other accountable to taking action, give feedback on projects, and generally support one another.
Outside the group, members also promote each other and actively participate in helping their co-participants succeed.
- The Declaration of Independence was a result of a mastermind group.
- So was NASA’s mission to the moon.
- Planning the Normandy Invasion during World War II was also conceived and executed by mastermind groups.
What is a Social Networking Mastermind Group?
Many business people understand that they need to incorporate social media platforms and tools like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Digg, email newsletters and blogs to grow their businesses, but need help putting it all together.
So it came to me that forming mastermind groups might be the best and most low-cost way to help these business people succeed with social media.
These groups will meet twice a month for 90 minute sessions. There may also be teleconferences scheduled between meetings as needed.
Group size will be limited to 10 participants plus myself as a facilitator. They will act as both group coaching sessions and mastermind groups. Each member will be work on their online marketing projects as part of the group and will be expected to assist others with their projects.
Each group will define its own rules, objectives and attendance policies.
The cost of joining a social networking mastermind group will be $177 per month, or $147 per month if paid three months in advance.
Initially, these groups will only be held in the Dallas – Fort Worth area, but may be offered in other locations at a later date.
If you would like to learn more about joining a Social Networking Mastermind Group, please give me a call at 817-501-6892 or email me at chbrown/at/webmarketing-coach.com.
Charles Brown
Fort Worth, Texas
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