I just read a strong, how-to article on using social media about how to build a brand and keep it running. Although the article, Social-Media Marketing for Restaurants: 10 Tips, is obviously written for restaurants, it serves up some great advice and ideas that any company can use.
For example, #5 shows how to create "Brand Ambassadors" with practical advice to find people who are passionate about your brand and give them access to inside information. You don't have to pay these people to blog or tweet about your brand, just reward them by making them feel like an insider.
#6 points out the should-be-obvious-but-apparently-isn't truth that too much overt promotion is self destructive. Instead, engage your followers and bring them into conversations. Quickly reply to comments, ask for feedback and be helpful.
Perhaps the best advice of all is in #10, which tells us to have something interesting to add to the conversation. As one publicist is quoted to say, "Give readers information they can’t find elsewhere; offer insider deals and promotions; and of course, don’t forget to inject some personality."
Too many companies venture onto social media with no concept of how marketing in this world differs from marketing on television, radio or print media. There are marked differences and new rules that must be obeyed. Social-Media Marketing for Restaurants: 10 Tips offers solid advice for any business in any industry on how to keep from violating these rules.
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