I wasn't going to write a blog post today (it's Saturday and I was just going to relax), but I just read a really good article called, Five Use Cases to Leverage Twitter for your Business, by Bernhard Schindlholzer in the blog, Customer Experience Labs.
He has identified five business uses for Twitter. On one level, he really doesn't break new ground here, but he does lay out his ideas very clearly and concisely. Here are the five ways Schindlholzer has indentified:
- Listen To The Customer. Twitter is unparalleled as a tool to create and engage in two-way conversations with your clients and customers. The feedback is instant and raw.
- Proactive Customer Service. Too often known customer service issues go unchecked. What could be better for a company to let its customers know that they are aware of a problem and to explain what steps it is doing to correct it. Moreover, it can also give customers ways to avoid the problem in the first place.
- Recruitment. For those companies that actually ARE looking for new talent during this recession, Twitter provides a new channel to seek them out.
- Customer Feedback. Ask customers for their opinions on new products or services, engage them in product development, allow them to help in fine tuning every aspect of your business, solicit their ideas on how to improve your service. The list goes on, but the point is that Twitter is the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to get customer input.
- Viral Marketing. If you want to get the word out and create buzz. Nothing works better than Twitter if used as one part of your efforts. Twitter users are exxtraordinarily generous about retweeting or passing along your message if it is interesting and relevant (ie not thinly disguised hype).
For additonal info on the viral power of Twitter, see 3 Ways to Lose Money on Your Next Twitter Marketing Project, an excellent article written by Kenneth Wu.
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