Would the members of your group like to learn how to attract more business using internet marketing tools (even if they don’t have a website)? If so, I can deliver exciting, hands-on workshops on how to finally use the internet to create more clients, without spending much money.
Your group can learn:
- How to use Twitter to drive targeted traffic to your site within weeks, not months.
- How to create “Push Button Money” by building a huge list of opt-in email subscribers who will buy from you again and again. Once you have built a quality list of interested subscribers, you can send out a single email announcing a special offer and generate instant sales.
- Why every business person should be on Twitter and Facebook, and how to use these tools effectively to grow your network online.
- How to get page-one ranking on Google’s page in a single day (This idea only works for individuals, but not companies).
- Why your offline advertising must be coordinated with your online marketing. And this does NOT mean just putting your web address at the bottom of your ad. This one idea can make a small Yellow Page ad pull in many times the responses you get from larger, more expensive ads.
- What most business websites are not doing, and how to jump miles ahead of your competition by making this one small change. In one year, this change could easily increase your bottom line by 50% (or more).
- A case study of a solo practice lawyer who dominates every Google search term in his area of practice. How he achieved this dominance in just 18 months and how you can do the same in your business without spending an extra dime.
- Why most businesses should have a blog in addition to (or even instead of) an expensive static website. Not only are blogs magnets for search engines like
Call me today to book me on your group's meeting schedule. I live in the Dallas - Fort Worth area of Texas, but I am available to travel upon request.
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