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The latest app I've been using on Twitter is Tweet Burner, a tool that allows me to shorten a link down to a much smaller URL that will fit within the 140 characters Twitter allows per Tweet.
But Tweet Burner goes beyond tinyurl and other similar services by allowing me to track how many click-throughs my new, shortened, link is receiving.
Here's a case in point. It is 2:29 AM here in Texas (I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep). So I decided to Twitter for a while until I could hit the pillow again (that's when you KNOW Twitter is addicting).
I checked Tweet Burner to see how my stats were looking and saw that several of my Tweets from earlier in the day (or actually yesterday) had gotten a lot of clicks. Impressed, I created a new Tweet Burner link to an article I wrote a couple of weeks ago to see what would happen.
After checking a few emails, I went back to Tweet Burner and saw that I already had 8 new visitors to that article as a result of my Tweet not more than 15 minutes earlier.
Two things to note: Most of my followers reside here in North America, so they are all Twittering in the wee hours of the morning too. This is obviously not the optimal time of day to reach North American followers.
And second, I don't have a lot of followers. At this time, less than 100 people hang onto my pearls of wisdom, but I was still able to get traffic to this blog from just one Tweet. What if I Tweet about it several times throughout the day? And what will happen months from now when I have many more followers?
I am just beginning to see the potential of Twitter, but even though these numbers are still modest, my 8 new visitors in 15 minutes proves to me how powerful Tweeting can be.
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