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Content is king on the internet. The more quality content you produce and put up on the web, the more notice you will garner. Google will bless you with higher search engine juice, visitors will find your website in droves, other people on the web will Tweat or blog about your content, and before long you will find yourself basking in the light of being a “micro celebrity” within your field.
Or … at least that’s how it’s supposed to work.
In the real world, fame and fortune seldom come easily. Content may be king, but it’s still a game of king of the hill. Your latest article may put you on top of that hill today, but tomorrow, someone else’s content may push you off. In journalism, this is referred to as a “news cycle.” The next news item is constantly pushing the last one off of page one.
So what is an internet marketer to do? The answer is to continue to produce quality content. Write great blog articles, write great articles for article submission sites like ezinearticles.com, create great videos for YouTube, and record great podcasts.
But don’t let the king of the hill game make your great content grow stale.
Focus most of your efforts on creating “evergreen content” that is always timely. Solve problems that will always need to be solved. Discuss goals people always want to achieve.
If your content is of long term or continuing relevance, it need not grow stale on the web. At least not with a tool like Twitter available.
I’ve noticed that there are two categories of people using Twitter. The first group are the cheesy salespeople who have little care about engaging others. They just want to sell their wares and view Twitter as just another venue to get the word out about how awesome they are and how awesome their product is.
The second group are the problem solvers. These are the people who are in business to solve certain problems and they use Twitter to point their followers to solutions.
You can tell who these problem solvers are by what they Tweat about. They are just as likely to tell you about a great article written by someone else as they are their own content. They are the people you constantly learn from, the people who give you lots of those “aha” moments.
But these people also Tweat about their own content as well. When their content solves problems, they can legitimately send their followers to that stuff as well.
Let me give you an example: An old friend of mine from high school (ok I'm old, but she is extremely young) is now a relationship coach named Kathy Dawson, who helps couples nurture and grow their marriages, solve communication problems, and manage the pressures that come with raising children - while still trying to have a fulfilling relationship together.
In other words, Kathy solves problems that have always, and will always, need to be solved by couples in committed relationships. Her articles will always be timely because relationships will always need work.
Because Kathy has accumulated a wealth of great content, she has a lot to Tweat about. She can not only Tweat about her latest articles or her upcoming speaking engagements, she can also Tweat about articles she wrote two or three years ago because those articles are still timely.
And each time she Tweats, she can add one more link to her old article, gain more visitors to her website, help one more person solve a problem, and move up one more notch on the Google ladder.
This is because Google gives much more credence (and higher search rankings) to links that point to varieties of content within a website rather than when links all point to the home page. Links that point to articles within the site tell Google that the site is rich in content and is a valuable piece of internet real estate.
If some of Kathy's Twitter followers like her article, they may Tweat about it or mention it in their blogs, creating a viral marketing effect, compounding the number of links pointing to her site.
In so doing, she can conquer the hill once and for all. Her content will not grow stale, and will not get shoved off every time newer content is posted by someone else.
Twitter enables all of us who produce content to keep that content working. Rather than allowing an old blog article to get lost deep in your blog’s achieves, Twitter gives you a chance to take it out, dust it off and show it to new people who may benefit from it.
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