As I start this new blog, the question arises, "why start a new blog?"
The task ahead is daunting, I have been writing my Dynamic Copywriting blog since 2006 and have written over 200 articles online, so the idea of starting all over isn't something I want to take on lightly.
But there are several reasons. First is that over time Dynamic Copywriting has become unfocused. I started with one business model of just being a copywriter for any and every type of work that came my way.
But my business model has changed. I have found that most of my work (and interests) have shifted to helping clients get better results online. In the course of my copywriting I find myself doing at least as much sharing things like:
- How to get more targeted traffic to a website,
- How to get higher rankings on Google and other search engines,
- How to convert more of those visitors into customers,
- "Permission Marketing" strategies to build an email list of opt-in subscribers and cultivate a loyal customer base,
- Social networking ideas to use tools like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Digg and MySpace to build a powerful online presence,
- How to use the internet to become a recognized autority in one's field,
- How to use the power of business blogging to as a marketing tool,
- How to create inbound links that point to your site,and
- How to create online publicity and the differences between traditional PR techniques and new online PR strategies.
And finally, I have come to realize that potential clients tend to put more of a premium on my knowledge than they do my writing. To many, a writer is just a skilled laborer and it has been a constant battle to overcome resistence to what I consider reasonable fees for my work.
And yet these same people will pay more for my knowledge and consulting skills. So why should I fight it?
I would love to hear your feedback. Any comments or suggestions you can give me will be very appreciated.
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COPYRIGHT © 2009, Charles Brown Add to Onlywire
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