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I just got a Tweat (which I promptly ReTweated) from Mark Joiner's Twit Marketing, called "How to Make Money on Twitter."
This Tweat contained a link to an article by Jason Tyfon that really spells out how (and more importantly, how not) to promote a business on Twitter.
The problem that Jason writes about is something I've written about as well in an article called "The Science of ReTweats - A Social Networking Strategy", namely too many people are using Twitter as a means to push their offerings. Their efforts are merely thinly disguised sales pitches.
Yes, even the worst of these Tweats create links to your website, but is it worth it to lose your credibility? Twitter is first and last a "Social Networking" tool. That means its strength is in its power as a personal branding mechanism.
And as I've said before, the core to any personal branding effort is to 1) Create name recognition, and 2) position yourself as a solution to a business problem.
If your Tweats offer real solutions to problems, your readers will follow you, ReTweat your posts and create a viral marketing effect for you. And you will make more money using Twitter than if you simply pitch products.
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