Writing and posting articles online is a proven way to get targeted traffic to any website. Moreover, these articles also help your site to get higher rankings on search engines like Google or Yahoo.
This video by Lisa Sparks shows you how one article, submitted to one article submission site, can get picked up by hundreds of other websites across the net. And all of those new sites point links back to your site. Other than chocolate, what could be better than that?
Now that you've seen how powerful article marketing can be on its own, let's tweak the process a little by adding the power of Twitter to an article marketing campaign.
Jeff Herring, an expert on article marketing, recently wrote a fascinating article called, Article Marketing + Twitter = Endless Waves of Traffic, Visitors & Viewers. This concept opens a vast new layer of potential.
In some ways there is a bit of overlap between what Herring says here and what I wrote about yesterday regarding blogging. One of the 10 Reasons To Use a Blog To Drive Your Personal Branding Campaign had to do with how you can write a Tweat about your various blog posts to drive more traffic them and get more search engine exposure.
"Your blog gives you something to talk about on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or other social networking tools. Many people misuse social networking sites as mere platforms to be carnival barkers shouting about their wares.
The better social networkers use them to point to valuable content that solves problems and addresses the needs of their market. If the theme of your blog is offering solutions to certain problems, you can mention each new article, and even refer back to your old articles, every time you Tweat on Twitter or post on LinkedIn or Facebook."
Now (and I am asking myself why I didn't think of this too) Jeff Herring shows that your Twittering can turn a spotlight on your online articles as well. All of your efforts online can create links to your website, your social networking endeavors can help to create a personal brand for yourself and your business.
As Lisa pointed out so well, article marketing is a viral engine to drive traffic. Adding Twitter to the process adds more fuel to this engine.
Tweating about your articles and blog posts keep them active and keep them from growing stale. The more content you put on the web, be it in the form of blog posts, articles, YouTube videos, etc., the more material you have to Tweat about again and again and again.
And each Tweat you write is like putting your articles on steroids.
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COPYRIGHT © 2009, Charles Brown Add to Onlywire
Thank you so much, it's all about creating content. Even if someone does not like to write, he or she can still put up videos online or create podcasts.
Then, as today’s (February 25, 2009) article "A Viral Marketing Game Plan: Article Marketing + " points out, that person can Tweat about this content over and over again, which keeps all of this content fresh and active on the web.
This is by far one the best pieces I have read today. Informative and easy to comprehend. Thank you very much, I will be linking you folks up with our blog.
Wow, that is heady praise. Thank you very much. Now I'm going to have to live up to it. Actually, it will just inspire me to work harder. I appreciate it.
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