If you like this article, follow me on Twitter.
Yesterday I wrote an article at around 2:30 AM about Hard Evidence Twitter Brings Me Traffic. I wanted to follow up on that article now with some more results.
Through a Twitter app called Tweetburner.com, I was able to do two things: shorten long URLs in much the same way people use tinyurl.com. But tweetburner also allows me to track the click through rates on those shortened URLs.
After creating a shortened URL and then tweeting about it on Twitter, I went back to tweetburner fifteen minutes later and found that I had received 8 new visitors to that web page.
Now 8 new visitors may not sound like much until you remember that most of my followers live in North America, so they were up Twittering at that ungodly hour too. Also, remember that I am very new at Twittering. I opened my account a few months ago, but stopped because I couldn't see what the big deal was. I just didn't see how it could be used as a tool to promote my business.
But fortunately I have seen the light. I still don't have a lot of followers. Yesterday morning when I wrote that post, I had about 87 followers. Now, about 36 hours later I have 125 (which shows how quickly your follower list can grow if you keep sending out valuable content).
But the reason I am writing this follow-up article is because the click throughs just keep on coming. At this moment, I have received 51 total click throughs to that link. And again, I only have 125 followers right now.
The point here is that Twittering and other social media communities may offer a better opportunity for getting traffic than even Search Engine Optimization. Maybe even better than Pay Per Click advertising.
Getting traffic from Twitter is a two-step process:
First build up your followers. Follow other Twitter enthusiasts who tweet about a topic related to your own. Look up bloggers you read and find their Twitter address so you can follow them. When you find someone in your area of interest, look up who follows that person and follow those people as well.
And second, tweet about worthwhile, interesting and useful information that solves problems for the people you wish to target. Put good content on your blog, post good videos on YouTube or write articles for ezinearticles.com, and tweet about that content.
If people will read and click my tweets at 2:30 Am, you know you can get them to visit at other times as well. If these very basic, very preliminary numbers are indicative of what to expect in the future, Twitter may be the easiest and fastest traffic tool ever invented.
P.S. Update: I had 125 followers when I started writing this article, by the time I finished, I had 136 follwers. If you aren't Twittering, what are you waiting for?
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COPYRIGHT © 2009, Charles Brown Add to Onlywire
If you use Internet Explorer you may want to try TweetIE, the twitter add-on for IE that helps you post quotes from the websites you visit to your twitter account http://tweetie.cloudberrylab.com/ FireFox plug-in is coming soon.
Thanks Andy, I'm a Firefox man myself, but it's good to know such a tool is out there.
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