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Starting a new blog can be a lonely experience. With every post you are sending a little piece of yourself out into cyberspace, and you don’t know for quite a while if anyone out there is reading or appreciating what you write.
Actually, let me rephrase that. Most likely your first 100 or so posts are not read or appreciated because you do not have an audience yet. Sorry, but that’s the truth.
But fortunately Twitter is an excellent tool that can help you accelerate this process rapidly. And those lonely, lost posts will eventually find readers. Here are 10 ideas:
- On day one, set your blog on Google Analytics so you can have a way to track the amount of traffic coming to your site. You need to have a way to measure the number of visitors that actually come to your site.
- You can find other bloggers who write on your topic by doing a Google/blog search or by going to alltop.com. Don’t regard these other bloggers as competitors, but as colleagues. Post thoughtful comments on their blogs with links back to your blog. Also, if you find an interesting article you may want to add your own thoughts to, post a link to that article and write your own responsive article on your own blog.
- Look for “Follow me on Twitter” buttons, or any other indications that these bloggers are on Twitter. If not, search for this blogger on Twitter’s FindPeople feature.
- While you are reading other blogs, look for keywords you should incorporate into your own writing. Compile a list of good keywords on your topic that will be the theme of what you write about. Devote each new article to one keyword. Put it in your title, the first paragraph and repeat it several time in the body of the article. This is basic SEO, but other blogs are great places to find keywords.
- When you find people on Twitter who are sending out a lot of good content on your topic, look at their followers. Often you will find some people you will want to follow as well. Look at their followers as well.
- When you read a good tweet that directs you to good content, consider retweeting it. You will get most of your followers from people you follow or who notice that you retweet their material.
- At first just work on tweeting often (10 to 20 a day is a good number) and adding good content to your blog. After you have over 100 followers, you should start looking at some of the many, many apps that you can add to enhance your Twitter experience.
- What should you tweet about? Always send several tweets about new articles on your blog, but also tweet about old articles on your blog (remember those first 100 or so posts that never got read? Now you can start sending readers to them).
- You should also tweet about good articles and information you find on the web. Become known as someone who tweets about helpful, problem-solving information.
- As your number of followers increases, and as compile a body of work within your blog, continue to tweet about new and old articles on your blog, as well as other online articles you think would be useful to your readers.
With Twitter, a blogger is no longer at the mercy of Google and other search engines. You can get traffic to your site while you are waiting for these search engines to even notice that your blog exists.
Consider them the twin engines of your marketing campaign. If you work them together, you will see some remarkable results.
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COPYRIGHT © 2009, Charles Brown Add to Onlywire
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