Since posting my earlier article today, A Social Media Strategy For Job Seekers - Part One, I had a couple of really interesting articles forwarded to me about using social media to find jobs. So, at the risk of seeming prolific, I thought I would post these links, plus a couple of others, for your consideration:
1. First,Ann Handley of MarketingProfs.com, sent me this article by Kevin Smith called, How I Got My Job Through Twitter. It shows how he made an important contact through Twitter and even got this contact to go to bat for him when his resume got lost.
2. The second article was sent to me by my good friend, Bill Hurlbut. It is called, "Unemployed (or Preparing to Be)? These Sites Could Be Your Best Friends." This article includes a number of financial survival sites that may be useful to anyone on shaky job grounds.
3. I can't give proper credit to the third article because I don't remember who sent it to me. But it is "7 Secrets to Getting Your Next Job Using Social Media," by Dan Schawbel.
4. The fourth article is one I found on my own (he pats his own back ever so humbly). Since Facebook is, or should be, a core tool in using social media to find a job, I thought this was an essential. It is called, "Basic Facebook Strategy | 5 simple steps."
5. Fifth, since Twitter is another essential tool for any social networking campaign, I thought "Twitter - The Second Most Important Social Network" should also be included. I would, however, forego the tempting offer to purchase TweetLater Pro. The free version will suit you just fine.
6. Sixth, another vital Twitter resource is Twitter Tips. This is practically an encyclopedia of Twitter tutorials, tools and apps.
7. Seventh, no online job search campaign would be complete without mentioning LinkedIn. Check out this helpful LinkedIn Tutorial to help you get the most out of using this vital tool.
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Thank you Ray, perhaps we should consider an update on other useful links to add. If anyone else has any to contribute, please let me know by posting your comment.
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