Recently someone introduced me to a business group as an expert on how to become an expert.
I help professionals or professional services organizations that want to become recognized authorities in their fields. I call myself a Rainmaking Coach, a Personal Branding Coach, or a marketing strategist for professional practices.
This does not mean I can take people who are not good at their profession and pull a P.T. Barnum scam with them. These people must actually be good at what they do in order to promote them. But we all know there are some very good professionals who toil away in obscurity because they do not know how to market themselves.
In the past, self promoters sought out speaking engagements, wrote articles for publication and wrote books to get publicity about themselves.
Without neglecting these possibilities, the internet has opened up a lot more doors to spread the word about who you are and what you do. But it still comes down to having useful information to share, in a simplified format that communicates well. You can’t be an expert if you don’t have expert advice to share.
One of the best formats for sharing your knowledge and skill is giving tips or numbered lists.
Let’s face it, even if we are in a highly professional field, we still prefer to read articles, blog posts and information pieces that are in the form of short bullet points and tips.
This format is easier on the eyes, breaks complex information into “bite sized” pieces and makes difficult concepts easier to understand.
I keep a notebook with me in which I write down all kinds of short ideas having to do with self promotion and web marketing. I have hundreds of tips written down in that book and I use it as a constant source of ideas. I draw from this notebook when I am preparing for a speaking engagement, writing an article for this blog, or a series of video presentations I am working on, my ebooks and of course the BOOK I am currently at work on.
In fact, this article is the result of just one of those tips written into my notebook.
I have made a commitment that no matter what, I will write down five ideas a day in that notebook.
If you want to become a guru, an expert, or “micro celebrity” in your field, you need a system to collect all the great ideas that pass through your head each day. If you will keep a place handy to write them down, you will never be at a loss over what to write a blog article about or what to talk about in a workshop you have to give.
Just promise yourself that you will write down five ideas a day. It couldn’t be easier.
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COPYRIGHT © 2009, Charles Brown Add to Onlywire
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