I am considering writing a book on Twitter success stories. Actually I am interested in any of your success stories that result from using any social networking format, but my particular interest is Twitter.
Have you experienced a significant success using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace or another social media tool? Or do you know of someone who has a success story to tell?
If so, please either leave your comment below this blog post or email me at the address listed in the right column. My main goal is write a book, but I may also blog about great stories or use them in other conversations.
What kind of stories am I looking for?
- Business successes.
- Personal incidents that could only have happened for you using social media.
- Promotional success stories involving an artist, musical group, a cause or non-profit organization.
- Someone who has gotten a job using social media.
- Stories in which your social network came to your aid in some way.
It is very important that I be able to document your success stories, so please leave me some sort of contact information so I can follow up with you. This is especially important if the success story you send is not your personal story.
That's it. I am hopeful that together we can show the world how incredibly important Twitter and other social media platforms are.
If you like this article, follow me on Twitter.
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Here in Houston, the g.m. of a local coffeeshop - 'The Coffeegroundz' - started taking drive-thru orders by DM and doubled his clientele! And, his shop is now a Houston hub for tech-type social events. http://tinyurl.com/dgxe9g
Hey thanks for reminding me. I actually follow @coffeegroundz and forgot about their success using Twitter. I really appreciate the heads up.
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