If you like this article, follow me on Twitter.
As you know by now, Twitter has become my number one social media tool for driving traffic to this blog and for networking online. But it can become quite confusing to see all these tweets come across your screen in a scatter shot fashion.
Fortunately I have started using Tweetdeck to organize my social networking, As the above video shows, in addition to having my main column of all the people I follow, I can select a specific column of my priority contacts, replies, and items I have "favorited."
Also, Tweetdeck has a feature called, "Twitter Search" that enables you to set up a special column of tweets that use any keyword you designate. Twitter Search goes out looking for this keyword on all tweets that come through Twitter, not just the people you follow.
For example, I have a special column that scans for tweets about "personal branding." This "personal branding" column has enabled me to find a lot of tweebs who talk about a topic I have an interest in.
If you have certain topics of interest to you, you can also set up special columns for several of them using Twitter Search.
I hope you find this video helpful. Tweetdeck has made Twitter ten times more useful and powerful for my business. I hope it does the same for your's.
Addendum: I am adding this a couple of hours after posting the above article and YouTube video, but I just found an excellent resource for using Tweetdeck that I thought should be added to this post. Check out this article by Richard Barley called, All Your Tweetdeck Questions Answered. It is a great additional resource for using Tweetdeck.
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