While the title of this article is designed to grab your attention, you may be wondering "How can you use the insanely silly comedy troop like Monty Python to market your product, service or event?"
Here's my answer: Not too many miles from me in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, just north of the DFW Airport, is the town of Grapevine, Texas. It is a very interesting town with an old main street which boasts of wine and antique shops on every block, and a very active schedule full of unique events.
One such event is the annual Monty Python Madness, sponsored by a store called the British Emporium.
But how do you promote an event like Monty Python Madness? What the owners of British Emporium did was to hire a few out-of-work local actors to film a video and post it to YouTube. Such as this one below (note: this video is from last year's festival, but the folks at British Emporium assures me a new video is in the works for this year).
I am not suggesting that you have to hire a team of actors to create a great promotional video. On the contrary, some of the most popular videos have a distinctive "home made" feel to them.
What I am suggesting is that you take advantage of the viral power of videos and YouTube to spread your message. As I mentioned in my post last week about Susan Boyle, social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, or Digg make it possible for small firms or individuals to create what David Meerman Scott calls a World Wide Rave.
The lesson here is that quality has a better chance of spreading with Web 2.0 vehicles than ever before. Whether you are promoting a business, launching an unlikely singing career or a fun festival, social media levels the playing field, giving you a chance to compete just as well as a Fortune 500 company.
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