Over the past few months, I've come upon a lot of great articles and videos that I have submitted to my Digg.com account. After looking over them, I thought it would be a good idea to share them with you.
Most of these articles or videos have to do with social media marketing and/or personal branding.
With that said, here is my list:
- Six reasons why no one likes you online A great article by Mack Collier with six simple reasons some people fail when they attempt to use social media marketing.
- Youtube Video Marketing Tips 7 excellent tips by Doc Daniel on how to get lots of leads and traffic by using simple videos you can post to YouTube.
- A Video of John Assaraf Interviewing Mike Koenigs Warning, this 59 minute video that is designed to sell a product called Traffic Geyser, but whether or not you decide to buy the product, these guys share a ton of valuable information. I could not keep track of the really valuable and informative tips these guys give on this video. So despite the fact that this video is a sales message, they add so much value, I wanted to pass it along.
- Entrepreneurship is not that risky, even in a recession Another great article by Monica O'Brien that takes a counter-intuitive reasoning why a bad economy actually creates opportunities for entrepreneurs.
- 51 Social Media Sites Every Business Needs To Be Seen On A fabulous article by Christopher Dusseldorp that is a massive list of social media sites that pull in traffic and help you to get high search engine rankings.
- Networking On Facebook This is an idea-rich article on how to build a large following on Facebook and use it as an awesome networking platform.
- The Value of Connecting Your Business Blog to LinkedIn Marketing This is a great article that reinforces the need to have a blog and use it in tandem with social media tools like LinkedIn (although it would also work with Facebook) using your blog’s RSS feed.
- 30+ Apps for Doing Business on Facebook Think LinkedIn is the only place for business? Facebook is growing rapidly and it’s becoming a destination for businesses and business professionals alike to establish a presence. Josh Peters with Mashable lists over 30 Facebook applications to help promote, network, communicate, collaborate and accomplish more with your business.
- 100 Awesome Facebook Apps for Productivity and Learning When you think of Facebook, it’s not likely you consider it a productivity tool. But the truth is that there are a variety of ways to use Facebook for both learning productivity, and a number of apps that can help you do so.
- 10 Tips for Twitter Un-MarketingLeigh Duncan-Durst shows you ten ways to use Twitter as a marketing tool without resorting to old school, in your face marketing. These tips are all about how to add value as a way of attracting business.
- The Benefit Of The Benefit A very interesting article by Paul Williams that shows how to target your prospects’ emotional core when selling or marketing any product or service.
- 40 Ways to Deliver Killer Blog Content With Chris Brogan, the tips and ideas just keep coming. This article is just packed with ways to make your blog articles dance and sing (or at least attract readers).
- How to Create a Killer Elevator Speech in Minutes Need to sum up the value of your services in a short, powerful statement? This excellent article by Rhett Hatfield gives 3 tips on how to do this.
- How To Become A Twitter Rockstar - Sort Of David Brown gives some great ideas (although some are already well known by people already using Twitter) on how to boost your popularity on Twitter.
- 11 Social Media Tips To Establish a Personal Brand Focusing mainly on Twitter and LinkedIn, this article lists 11 solid tips to establish your own personal brand.
- 50 Fabulous Twitter Tools 50 useful Twitter tools. Everything from posting via email to a ranking of top Twitter users.
- 20 Ways To Get People To Follow Your Business On Twitter 20 ideas you can put into practice right away to build a following on Twitter.
- Top 25 Twitter Tools For Small Business 25 Twitter apps for small businesses, but others will find it helpful as well.
- 15 Ways To Professionally Brand You A slide show on how to create and maintain a professional personal brand.
- Twitter SEO: 4 Steps to Improve SEO w/ Twitter Sure Twitter can drive traffic to your website, but can it also help to build lasting SEO “juice” for your site?
- HOW TO: Build Community on Twitter A very good Mashable article by Sarah Evans that shows how to use Twitter the right way. Instead of blasting out old school sales tweets, Sarah shows how to create two-way conversations with your audience on Twitter.
- An Open Letter To Running Companies: Get on Twitter & Facebook! I love Corey Irwin's spunky, in-your-face style as she tells companies to get with the program on using social media tools.
- Strengthen Your Personal Brand by Leveraging It to Help Others Another great article by Liz Lynch, author of Smart Networking: Attract a Following in Person and Online." She shows how much of an impact helping others has on your own personal brand. She says that people who actively Refer, Recommend and Retweet. will benefit personally as they add value to others.
- With Facebook Pages, Who Needs a Website? A thought-provoking article by Paul Dunay that argues that some businesses may not need a website. Instead simply build a Facebook Fan page that may get more traffic and get more exposure than a new website would get.
- Keeping Myself Busy - Hunt for Work through Social Network Andrew Selman, a self-descibed "Social Media Wonk," describes how he is conducting his job search using Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media platforms.
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