- 9 Ways to Brand YOU. i hesitate to say anything is the last word on this subject, but this article is a blueprint for personal branding. If you never read anything else on this topic, this article gives you a great overview on how to do it.
- Personal Brand - How to Build Yours In Twitter. Hendry Lee presents some excellent ideas to help you use Twitter to formulate and promote your personal brand. One idea in particular, about how "Content Shapes Your Brand," is just excellent. For most of us who use Twitter as a business development tool, generally avoid Twittering about mindless chit chat. Instead we seek out people who tweet about useful information and ideas.
- When Networking Doesn’t Come Easy. Although I am WAY older than Monica O'Brien's target audience, I still find her blog "Twenty Set" to be an astonishing source for valuable ideas. Here she focuses on how to start networking with some very concrete advice.
For example she says, "You don’t build a network by getting - you build it by giving." Simple yes, but how many times have we all failed on this elementary step?
She also says to, "The best networkers are people who ask lots of open-ended questions and genuinely listen. This way, you are more likely to disseminate what a person’s needs are and how you can help her fulfill those needs." - The Art of Writing Great Twitter Headlines. Why do some tweets get read and retweeted to thousands of people, while others are virtually ignored? Brian Clark says that a headline is a promise that offers a reward for clicking the link. After you read this article, think about what rewards your content promises to readers who click your links.
- 8 Ways to Build Your Email List Using Social Media. The pot of gold in online marketing is found in building a list of customers and highly qualified prospects. This article shows how to use personal branding and social media tools to build a highly responsive list.
- HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on Facebook. Whenever I see Dan Schwabel's name on an article, I know it is a must read. This article is no exception.
- Big news for your personal brand: Google Profiles. Google invented "Google Profiles" to compete with social networking sites like Facebook. This interview of Dan Schwabel by Heather Huhman shows that it is an invaluable tool if you are seeking to establish a personal brand online.
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