Last week I wrote an article about 4 Ways to Find Local Twitter Users, in response to a conversation I had had earlier that week with a business person who didn't see the use of social media tools because his business only targeted local clients.
That article addressed 4 ways to build a list of Twitter followers who were in a local geographic area.
Today I read an article that talked about how local businesses are successfully using Twitter to make their cash registers ring. The article, Twitter Proves Its Worth as a Killer App for Local Businesses, gives a couple of quick case studies of how some local businesses ( a pizza restaurant and a frozen yogurt chain) send out tweets to get immediate responses.
They make use of the fact that Twitter is in real time. The people who respond can take advantage of offers not available anywhere else. Moreover, the pizza restaurant, which targets Twitter users within a 3 mile radius of their store, tracks how many of its sales come from Twitter, so they can measure their ROI.
Check out Twitter Proves Its Worth as a Killer App for Local Businesses to read the case studies and get some great ideas for your venture.
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