Practically everyone knows how valuable favorable publicity can be to your business, personal brand or product. Not only is publicity free, but it comes with the added credibility of a third-party endorsement.
What is less understood is the fact that publicity from blogs may produce an even greater benefit than from traditional media outlets like newspapers, magazines, radio and television.
There are several reasons for this. The first is that stories appearing in blogs can generate "buzz" more easily and quickly than traditional media stories. These stories can be emailed, submitted to social bookmarking sites like Digg or Delicious, or they may spawn follow up stories in other blogs.
Moreover, many traditional media journalists rely on blogs as their sources for the stories they write. It is not uncommon for stories to gain traction on the blogospere before they begin to appear on traditional media.
Which all leads to the question of how to get your story to appear on a few well-read blogs? Do the same PR rules apply when submitting story ideas and press releases to blogs as they do to submitting them to the Wall Street Journal or your local radio talk show?
In response to these questions, I'm going to refer you to a recent article by Darren Rowse in his Problogger blog. If you are not familiar with Darren Rowse and Problogger, I will just say that it is one of the most influential blogs on the blogosphere and Darren is one of the key thought leaders in the industry.
The article is How to Pitch to Bloggers - 21 Tips and I think you will find it to be a very useful tool for submitting story ideas to bloggers.
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