Would you like to share your favorite marketing tips?
I have been collecting ideas, tips and solutions to help market products or services online. But I never thought about asking the readers of this blog for help before.
It wasn't until this week that I was working on putting together my Web Marketing Master Mind Groups, that it came to me to open this blog up as an online brainstorming session.
If you have any tips you would like to share, please join this Facebook Group and post to the wall.
I think it would be fun to collect the very best of these ideas and reprint them in the form of an ebook or a series of articles.
I believe I have some of the smartest readers on the web, so I can't wait to see what comments you post. Try to make your tips short, and please go sparingly on anything that might appear to be self serving or self promotional.
Thanks in advance for your help and participation.
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COPYRIGHT © 2009, Charles Brown
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My current hot tip is to ReTweet your blog posts with the StumbleUpon URL shortener, http://www.su.pr/ See http://su.pr/2GPt0L for details.
I copied that link and got a 404 error page, can you give that to us again?
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