I want to update you of some important dates coming up:
- First, a new Rainmakers' Roundtable marketing mastermind group will be forming here in the Dallas - Fort Worth area.
Candidates must be highly-qualified individuals who are willing to committ to 24 meetings over the next year and must be willing to give and receive help to the other members of the group. For more information, click here. - Next, I will be interviewed by my friend Roland Desjardins on Blog Talk Radio. The broadcast will be aired at 10am on Wednesday September 2, 2009. Afterwards, the interview will available on podcast. This show will be called, Social Media: Fact or Fiction?
For more information, click here. - On September 4, 2009, I will be speaking to the Colleyville (Texas) Chamber of Commerce on How to Use Social Media For Your Business. For more information, click here.
- Finally, I will be conducting a new Twitter For Business Workshop at the Fort Worth Business Assistance Center. The date is tentatively scheduled for September 26, 2009 at 7pm.
I will provide more information when we get the date firmed up.
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