Maybe you are like me and are always looking for great resources on the web to help your business. Information is what runs my business and my social networking efforts.
Not only do I soak great information up like a sponge, it is at the core of the service I offer my followers on Twitter and Facebook. When I find good "stuff" I like to tweet about it and provide my followers with links to these great resources.
With that in mind, I am beginning an occasional series of blog posts on some of these great resources. I hope you enjoy them and find these sites to be as valuable as I do.
- Copyblogger: I bookmark a lot of articles as I surf, but I have bookmarked more articles on Copyblogger than I have from any other source. Brian Clark, a fellow former lawyer, has quite simply produced one of the most valuable pieces of virtual real estate on the web.
I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge from Copyblogger, and it is usually practical, useful knowledge that I can use and right away.
For example, he has turned writing blog headlines into a science. Search his site and you will find tons of headline formulas that will pull readers into your articles.
Check out Copyblogger and dig through the archived articles, which are conveniently indexed by dates and subject categories. You will find a lot of "buried treasure" on this site. - Then there is Patsi Krakoff's Writing on the Web blog. Patsi is all about creating content and business blogging, and she really delivers the goods.
She encourages business bloggers with useful tips and ideas that just can't be beat. She has a knack for putting our vague problems into the right words and providing very helpful solutions to those problems.
I also like how her personality comes through in her writing. It is just more fun to read something written with humanity than sterile "business speak." - Alltop.com calls itself a "magazine rack" on a large variety of topics. This site searches the blogoshpere for interesting articles and blog posts on almost any subject you can think of.
You would be hard pressed not to find something on whatever topic you are interested in. - Dosh Dosh may just be the most well-written blogs on the internet. Maki doesn't write a lot, in fact he may go weeks between articles, but what he does put up is quality.
Each article is well-researched and very insightful. I have learned things on this blog that I have never encountered anywhere else. This is another blog that I encourage you to dig into its archives for treasure. I challenge you to find a single article that is just average in quality and content. - And finally, to finish up this little collection, there is Content Marketing Today by Newt Barrett.
Barrett brings together ideas and solutions on how to promote business by delivering quality content. I do, however, think this site should come with a warning label that resembles the old potato chip ad, "you can't read just one."
I often find myself on this site reading five or six of his great articles at a time. Never mind my pressing work schedule and the fact that I have a looming deadline. This site is a college course on content marketing all contained on one blog.
Check it out, but don't blame me if you blow an entire hour there.
Okay, that's it for now. If I get lots of fan mail (heck, you can just leave a comment) to tell me you like this, I will follow up with a part two ...sometime. Hope you enjoy these resources.
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