One of my most popular workshops is now on disk.
The first time I taught "Twitter For Business" I had a very pleasant surprise. It was toward the end of the class and I happened to walk near one of the participants. As I looked down at her table, I noticed she had taken over five pages of very dense notes.
Then I looked at the lady sitting next to her and saw that she too had taken copious notes. In fact, when I looked at the other attendees I saw that each person had taken lots and lots of notes.
I hadn't realized how much information I had conveyed to them, but they were all writing as fast as their hands could fly across their pages.
At the end of the class, they all swarmed around me and raved about the ideas they had learned and how it was going to change their businesses.
Here is a video of some of the feedback I got from those participants:
Now you can get this same information. I have just put the class on CD, revised my Twitter Marketing ebook and added four new chapters to it. And I have revised the Twitter flowchart on which the class is based.
Here's what you will learn:
- And integrated system for using Twitter, blogs and email marketing to attract new clients.
- How to find valuable content for your followers and subscribers that will solve their problems and move them to take action.
- How to build an email list while at the same time building your credibility with the people on your list.
- How to use Twitter to drive traffic to your blog.
- And how to follow up with your list with an easy-to-use and inexpensive autoresponder.
The cost of the CD, plus the two downloads is only $22 plus $7 for postage and handling.
Don't delay. Get this information to start growing your business today.
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----------------------------------------------------COPYRIGHT © 2009, Charles Brown Add to Onlywire
Twitter is a great tool to engage in real-time conversation. Twitter also helps in building a good Corporate Image
before you engage you have to have a strategy and LISTEN to what people are talking about in the twittersphere.
Imagine its like your going to a cocktail party and you just elbow someone and but into their conversation. This will be rude and they will probably ignore you. So if you are at a cocktail party first you have to listen to what people are talking about, and then say something insightful to join the conversation.
Hi Charles
Re Kudos and Twitter.
If I come to the states I'll certainly look you up, although it does tend to cover quite a large part of the Earth's surface :)
All the best
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