Please note: This workshop has now been rescheduled to December 19. I've changed the information below.
If your website isn't attracting visitors, is it really helping your business?
Next weekend, I will be teaching a two-hour workshop on how to get more traffic to your website - without costing a fortune. This is the first time I have ever presented this workshop.
WHO: Charles Brown -sponsored by the #1 SEO firm in Dallas, Texas: Top Page Marketing Solutions.
WHEN: Saturday, December 19, 2009 - 10am to noon.
WHERE: 1501 Norwood Rd. Suite #100, Hurst, Texas 76054 (be sure to park by the North entrance)
COST: $50
For more information or to RSVP: 817-501-6892 or
- Learn how to use tools like SEO, pay-per-click advertising, Twitter and email marketing to drive buyers to your site.
- Get front page placement on Google, Yahoo, AOL, Bing and hundreds of other search engines.
- People who look for your business online are proven to be much more likely to buy than any other type of prospect.
- Learn how geo-targeting software can help your site to be found buy local customers in zip codes of your choosing.
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