Value-Added Email Marketing

(This post was a Google Sidewiki note that I attached to a very insightful article in Yaro Starak's Entrepeneur's Journey blog.)

Great insights (as always) here. Too many marketers give value in order to get subscribers, but act like the courtship is over once they have opted in.

Not true. I just wrote an article yesterday on this very topic. Smart marketers build "social capital" with their subscribers by adding value, giving good information, and providing great content at every opportunity.

A great example of this is Marcia Yudkin's weekly "Marketing Minute" newsletter. She always has an insightful article followed by her sales material. In other words, she gives before she asks for anything from her subscribers.

My article on this topic is at Hopefully it will add to the thoughts in this piece.

in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)