Marketing With eBooks - Thoughts by David Meerman Scott

I wrote two articles over the weekend (why do I do keep doing this stuff on the weekends?), so I hadn't planned to write another one for a few days. But ...

I ran across a really good piece by one of my favorite bloggers and writers, David Meerman Scott, that just compelled me to bring to your attention. The article, So you want to write an ebook? 30 tips for success, just offers some great tips and ideas to show you why and how to market yourself with ebooks.

First, let me explain that David's approach is a little different from the way other people market with ebooks. Although he does have some products on his site that he sells, he is a strong advocate of offering free ebooks as a way to "build your brand" and create buzz about yourself (or as he refers to buzz, a "world wide rave").

Second, he also advocates a no-strings approach to these free ebooks. In other words, no opt-in screen, no requirement to leave personal information before being allowed to read the book.

I admit that this last point caught me off guard when I first learned of it. It admittedly seems counter-intuitive. Why wouldn't you use a free ebook as "bait" to build a list of opt-in email subscribers?

But as David explained to me in a very patient email last year, "letting go" of your ebook is the surest way to get wider distribution. People are more apt to forward links to it when it is both free and comes without strings.

The results I've seen on my own free ebooks have borne him out.

I lost track of how many downloads my email marketing ebook has received, although I know it had received over 17,000 hits as of last December.

And just two weeks ago, I found out that a lady here in Fort Worth was passing around a copy of my 7 Rules of Viral Marketing With Twitter at a women's networking meeting, telling everyone there to visit this blog to get a copy. (By the way, thank you Mindy Billings).

I know that I have gained more visitors and subscribers to this blog as a result of writing and giving my two ebooks away for free and without strings. I also have gained a lot of my Twitter followers the same way.

More importantly to my bottom-line brain, I can count at least four clients and one speaking engagement I've gotten as a result of these free ebooks.

Of course it is frustrating that these results are so difficult to track. I have trouble "letting go" and would prefer to have some hard numbers as a way to "keep score."

But the fact is, that if your goal is simply to get the word out about who you are and what you do, letting go is one of the best ways to get it done. And that is one of the lessons of the new media.

Be sure to check out David Meerman Scott's great article. Here it is again: So you want to write an ebook? 30 tips for success.

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38 Rules For Creating a Personal Branding Blog

  1. First, understand that a blog is absolutely essential for 99% of us who want to build a personal brand. Unless you already have the kind of visability and celebrity that enables you to freely pesent your ideas to the world, a blog is the only platform that will allow you to create and present information to your target audience. And even if you already have noteriety, a blog is the only platform that you can have complete control over.

  2. Build your entire personal brand so that your blog is the hub of all your online activities. Everything you do online should link back to your blog. This is the ultimate place you want to lead readers to gain exposure about you and what you have to offer prospective clients or employers. This means that when people find your blog, they will find you.

  3. Identify your niche by asking yourself "What problems am I very good at soliving?" Your answers to this question will determine the brand you present to the world. Define yourself as a solution to certain problems.

  4. The reason this is an effective way to define your brand is because no employer or client ever hires anyone because of what they do, or how much experience they have. Ultimately they only hire people because they have problems that must be solved.

  5. What do you write about? Keep a notebook or voice recorder with you and make note of any ideas, solutions or tips you think of. Set a goal to come up with 5 of these ideas per day. If you do this for a few months, you will never run out of things to write about.

  6. Get used to thinking of yourself as an expert. If you are a solution to the problems you defined earlier, and you have a notebook full of ideas, solutions and tips, you are most certainly an expert. Don't be shy about it.

  7. Create a minimum of 3 to 4 posts per week. No one said personal branding will be a walk in the park. It will take some effort and a commitment to the project to get it done.

  8. However, your posts need not be lengthy or difficult. You can post short, 2 to 3 minute videos of yourself (a Flip camcorder costs under $150, and you can often find them for much less) discussing your ideas. In fact, your entire blog can be a video blog and you need not ever write a single article.

  9. Other easy blog posts can be list articles (like this one), Frequently Asked Questions, or you can simply post a link to an article you found on the web with 2 or 3 paragraphs of your own thoughts on the subject. Don’t make your posts difficult, just make sure you add new posts regularly and consistently.

  10. Don't make coming up with new blog posts an onerous job. Think like the late Paul Harvey. He was more a "news aggregator" than a traditional journalist. He came into the newsroom early every morning and pulled stories from the newswire services (this was before the internet). Then he selected the stories to talk about on his broadcast and added his own brief commentaries to them.

  11. Study your targeted audience. What information do they need? What problems do they want to solve? What pain do they want to get rid of? What goals do they want to accomplish? What changes do they want to make in their businesses or their lives? What changes are impacting them that they must adapt to (or even be made aware of)?

  12. What do you write or talk about? Don’t just talk about what you do or what you sell. That is a sure way to turn off your audience. Instead, look at the previous point about what your audience wants and needs. Draw from those questions for your material. Put the focus on your target audience, not yourself.

  13. Don't worry that you are giving too much of your knowledge away. You can never over-educate your audience. All that will happen when you share your ideas and information is that you gain more credibility in their eyes.

  14. Make your blog a resource of useful and actionable information for your audience. Give readers a reason to bookmark your site and keep coming back again and again.

  15. In keeping with the previous point, create a recommended list of quality resources. This goes way beyond a simple blogroll. Single out specific articles and videos created by others that you think would be useful to your audience.

  16. Have you noticed that I keep referring to your audience? This is deliberate. Stop thinking of them as prospects, customers, clients or potential employers. Think of them as consumers of the content you produce. And get used to thinking of yourself as a publisher.

  17. Once you have a new article of video posted to your blog, tweet about it. Use Twitter to help people find your blog and drive traffic to your individual posts. With Twitter, you blog need not languish in obscurity. You can get readers in a matter of weeks rather than months and years.

  18. When you send out a tweet, make it simple. A good personal branding tweet will consist of two things: a headline to offer a benefit and grab attention, and a link pointing to your blog post.

  19. Use a “URL shortner” like or when you tweet that allows you to track how many people actually clicked on your link and visited your blog post.

  20. With Twitter, there is no reason your older posts should ever stop working for you. If these older posts are still relevant, recycle them with tweets driving more traffic to them. If you took the time to write them in the first place, never let them lose their usefulness for you.

  21. Always have an opt-in form prominently displayed on your blog to capture your readers’ email addresses. The main purpose of your site is to build an opt-in email list. One-time visitors do you absolutely no good. But with an opt-in list, you can induce them to be regular readers.

  22. Entice readers to opt into your list by offering a newsletter or “Tip of the Week.” For example, financial planners and accountants can offer a “Money Tip of the Week.” Other professionals can offer a “Safety Tip of the Week” or “Wellness Tip of the Week.” You can also offer a free ebook or other digital product in order to get subscribers.

  23. Once you have a list, keep them in the loop. Send them an email at least once a week and make your newsletter informative and useful.

  24. Use your blog as a platform for networking. You can take the strategy of “informational interviewing” to a new level by asking experts if you can interview them for your blog. Although informational interviewing is typically taught to job seekers, you need not be looking for a job to use this approach. It not only gains you new contacts, it elevates you as a peer in their eyes. Plus, it also gains you access to that person’s audience and followers as well.

  25. Use great headlines for each blog post. Here are some great resources by Brain Clark's How to Write Magnetic Headlines.

  26. Use great opening sentences for your posts as well. Another great post from Copyblogger is 5 Simple Ways to Open Your Blog Post With a Bang.

  27. Provide links to the other places you hang out on the web: Your Facebook page, your LinkedIn page, your Twitter username, your Google Profile, etc. Become interconnected on the web.

  28. Don’t regard other bloggers in your field as competitors. When you find a great article on someone else’s blog, praise it on your own and link to it. You will quickly find that bloggers are a generous and supportive crowd if you treat them with respect.

  29. Look for ways to meet these other bloggers in the offline world. Attend events or organize one of your own. If nothing else, create a free teleseminar in which you can have an exchange of ideas for both of your audiences to listen in on.

  30. Leverage your blog as a way to get speaking engagements to various offline groups and organizations.

  31. Comment on other blogs with links back to your own. Not only is this a great way to gain new readers, it is also another way to network with that other blogger. Sometimes you will write your own post based upon a post you found on another blog. When you do, trackback to that blog and build a conversation on the topic.

  32. When you disagree with another blogger, do so without becoming disagreeable. Be polite, but make your own point. Establish your own, unique point of view.

  33. Find material to write about by subscribing to the RSS feeds of other blogs,, YouTube,, or, to name a few.

  34. Also, set up Google Alerts feeds to have new material emailed to you on your topic each day. Once you set up a Google Alert for your keyword, Google will notify you when a new item appears on the web under that search term.

  35. Put your blog and Twitter URLs on your business cards and resume.

  36. Use a service like blog2print or to compile some of your best blog posts into a hard copy booklet. Send this out with your resume, letters asking for speaking engagements or consulting proposals.

  37. Make sure your Twitter and Facebook personal brands are consistent with the one you are building on your blog. Tweet about the same kind of information. Update on Facebook with the same audience wants and needs you address on your blog. I'm not one who says you cannot have family photos on the same Facebook page you do business on (people like to see who you are before they do business with you), but keep these things in the background, in good taste and make sure they do not detract from your personal branding efforts.

  38. Even if you have never aspired to writing a book, you may find that your blog is writing a book for you. Just write your 3 to 4 new posts every week and before long you may have a publishable book on your hands. In addition, you blog will be creating a platform or readership for your book before you ever get it written.

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How to "Work The Room" in Social Media

Last week I wrote an article called, Social Marketing - Word of Mouth on Steroids about how to build "social capital" using social media tools like Twitter, Facebook and the rest.

Here is a quote from that article:
Using Twitter effectively is like working a giant room. You make friends. You do favors.

You reach out to those who need help. You proactively perform random acts of kindness with no expectation that person will ever be able to return the favor (although you firmly believe these selfless acts will not go unrewarded).

You share ideas freely, you share resources freely, and you share information freely. But above all, you listen more than you talk.

If you are building your business with social media tools like Twitter, you have probably noticed those people who use these platforms as places to push their products or services. "Blah, blah, blah. Me, me, me."

Sigh, they just don't get it.

I'm trying to get away from using the term "social marketing" and instead I'm using "social networking."

Doing business on social media requires the same networking mindset required for offline networking. In other words, be nice, be generous, stay connected, add value, LISTEN, LISTEN A LOT, and help others accomplish their goals.

Twitter is like being at a big party. Have you ever noticed that at parties, usually there is someone who has a crowd gathered around him or her?

Guess what, these people aren't gathered around to be sold life insurance, a new accounting database system or an mlm opportunity. Nor are they gathered to hear a job seeker's elevator pitch.

The crowd gathers around INTERESTING PEOPLE. These are people who have interesting things to say. Interesting stories, interesting thoughts on current events, interesting ideas, interesting ways of doing old things.

Typically, this person is well read and shares what he or she has learned.

And it may possible touch on the insurance business, the software business or an opportunity, but rarely.

Be That Guy on social media. Have ideas to share. Tell stories. Give valuable information. BE INTERESTING!

That's the way to be successful as a social networker.

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Does Your Business Group Need a Speaker?

Would the members of your group like to learn how to attract more business using internet marketing tools (even if they don’t have a website)? If so, I can deliver exciting, hands-on workshops on how to finally use the internet to create more clients, without spending much money.
Your group can learn:
  • How to use Twitter to drive targeted traffic to your site within weeks, not months.
  • How to create “Push Button Money” by building a huge list of opt-in email subscribers who will buy from you again and again. Once you have built a quality list of interested subscribers, you can send out a single email announcing a special offer and generate instant sales.
  • Why every business person should be on Twitter and Facebook, and how to use these tools effectively to grow your network online.
  • How to get page-one ranking on Google’s page in a single day (This idea only works for individuals, but not companies).
  • Why your offline advertising must be coordinated with your online marketing. And this does NOT mean just putting your web address at the bottom of your ad. This one idea can make a small Yellow Page ad pull in many times the responses you get from larger, more expensive ads.
  • What most business websites are not doing, and how to jump miles ahead of your competition by making this one small change. In one year, this change could easily increase your bottom line by 50% (or more).
  • A case study of a solo practice lawyer who dominates every Google search term in his area of practice. How he achieved this dominance in just 18 months and how you can do the same in your business without spending an extra dime.
  • Why most businesses should have a blog in addition to (or even instead of) an expensive static website. Not only are blogs magnets for search engines like

Call me today to book me on your group's meeting schedule. I live in the Dallas - Fort Worth area of Texas, but I am available to travel upon request.

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Social Marketing - Word of Mouth on Steroids

I could talk to people all day about Twitter - and I do.

As part of my web marketing coaching, people ask me about how to extend their reach and influence to a larger audience. To me, the natural answer to these questions includes Twitter.

Using Twitter effectively is like working a giant room. You make friends. You do favors.

You reach out to those who need help. You proactively perform random acts of kindness with no expectation that person will ever be able to return the favor (although you firmly believe these selfless acts will not go unrewarded).

You share ideas freely, you share resources freely, and you share information freely. But above all, you listen more than you talk.

All of that builds something called "social capital," a term I've been thinking of since I started reading Tara Hunt's excellent book, "The Whuffie Factor."

Tara (who, by the way goes by the user name @missrogue on Twitter) explains that on the web, social capital is built by doing three things: being nice, being networked, and being notable.

Politicians - and here I'm referring to the good ones who act honorably and really consider what they do a calling - know all about building social capital. Great politicians by definition are great networkers. They build social capital back home with their constituents, and they build social capital in the halls of power by building it with their collegues.

It is the only way to get re-elected and to be effective once in the office.

Building social capital is something entirely different from broadcasting your sales message far and wide hoping some of the "spaggheti" will stick to the wall. Social networking relies on others to spread your word for you.

I call these people "evangelists."

Here's what I mean about how social capital results in getting your message across to others:

I've noticed that on Twitter, there are four ways I get messages from others.
  1. First, I am following someone and happen to read their "tweet" as it scrolls down my screen. It happens, but it is hard for people to reach me this way. When it does happen, it is a combination of having an eye catching headline AND me seeing it amidst all the other noise.

  2. The second way is if someone finds the message so compelling they are willing to "retweet" it. Retweets naturally catch my eye more than random messages.

    This is the evangelism factor I mentioned earlier. It is also the "Be networked" factor that Tara Hunt talks about.

  3. The third way is that I have set my Tweetdeck page to have a column especially for my "A List" contacts. These are the people who have impressed me by consistently tweeting quality information and ideas. As a result, I have put them in a column apart from the noise so that I can be sure to hear what they have to say.

    This is Tara's "Be noteworthy" factor with a little bit of the "Be nice" thrown in for good measure.

  4. The fourth way, is that their tweet comes up on one of my keyword searches. Again, I use Tweetdeck to scan the "Twitterverse" for any tweets containing certain keywords I'm interested in.

    When I see one, I not only click the link to the message, I also click the link to the person sending it to see if it might be someone I would like to follow. This is another example of "Being notable."

Lately I've been trying to get away from using the term, "social media marketing" (even though I used it in the title of this article so readers would know what it is about)and replacing it with "social networking." As a broadcast medium to blast out your commercial messages, Twitter is little better than sending spam emails.

But when Twitter is viewed as a community, getting your commercial message becomes part of creating trust, relationships, friendships and connections. Twitter enables anyone to form relationships with people who would be "above our pay grades" in the offline world.

No one minds that you have something to sell in a community. In fact it is expected. But just as in any other community, people would rather do business with someone they know, like and trust.

So spend your efforts building that social capital of being known, liked and trusted, and you will be rewarded with new business.

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Mind Mapping to Grow Your Business

The one thing every business person needs is a way to come up with more creative ideas. Mind mapping is one method to help you achieve this.

If you've never tried mind mapping, think of it as a brainstorming session with a visual twist. A mind map involves ideas and branches, which spawn new ideas. Each new branch can potentially lead you to dozens of new solutions or insights.

Here is a great video by Australian copywriter, Andrew Cavenagh on how to use mind mapping to come up with new ways to change visitors behavior when they come to his website.

Marketing is all about coming up with great ideas. I hope this short article and video help you to do so.

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COPYRIGHT © 2009, Charles Brown

How To Publish Your Online NewsLetter

The following article is reprinted from Brian Rooney's blog, Email Marketing Strategies, with his permission.

Should You Publish Your Own Newsletter?

Whether you run a large corporation or a small home-based business as a solo-entrepreneur, publishing your own online newsletter can be a great way to grow your business.

Some of the benefits you can expect from publishing your own online newsletter include:

Improved Credibility.
Publishing your own online newsletter keeps your company name in front of your best customers and prospects. This sort of exposure can help build your credibility.

Reduced Marketing Expenses.
The cost of publishing an online newsletter is significantly lower than printing and mailing paper-based newsletters.

Reduce Distribution Time.
Once the design is completed, your online newsletter can be sent out with the click of your mouse. No waiting for printing, sorting, postage, deliveries, etc...

Instant Feedback.

With the speed of the Internet, you can track any feedback or responses to your online newsletter almost instantly, Know how many people opened your newsletter and how many people clicked through to your site or offer page.

How To Get Started

Your market should already be giving you a number of ideas on what to cover in your newsletter. A dentist might send out regular dental hygiene tips. An insurance company might send out tips on insurance policies, options, or financial investment tips. A veterinarian might send out tips on how to care for animals. A business coach might send out tips on personal development or promotion.

One good way to find ideas is to go through your emails and look through the questions your clients and prospects have asked. These emails provide great starting points and could provide ideas for several newsletters.

Decide on how often you will publish your newsletter. Weekly, b-weekly, and monthly are typically the most preferred delivery schedules. Your market and feedback will help you decide on the best schedule for your newsletter. The key is to be consistent and keep your prospects and clients informed with relevant and timely information.

Once you've decided on a schedule, format, and content, the next step is to begin building your list of subscribers.

Start with your existing customers. Ask them to subscribe to your newsletter by filling out a subscription form at your web site. You can use services like the AutoResponder System to build and manage your subscriber lists.

You can also invite visitors to your site to subscribe by filling out the same form at your web site.

If you send out direct mail, add a note and invitation to your next mailing.

Be sure to include an invitation to subscribe on any emails you send out, articles you write, forums you belong to, etc...

By using a service like, you can easily create templates for your newsletter that incorporate your logo, look like your web site, etc..

You can also track the number of times your newsletter is opened and even track the number of click-throughs to your site. This helps you get a good grasp on how well your newsletter is being received and how productive it is being for your business.

To learn more about the AutoResponder system, request our free report by clicking on this link: 30 Day Free Trial.

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Share Your Favorite Web Marketing Tips

Would you like to share your favorite marketing tips?

I have been collecting ideas, tips and solutions to help market products or services online. But I never thought about asking the readers of this blog for help before.

It wasn't until this week that I was working on putting together my Web Marketing Master Mind Groups, that it came to me to open this blog up as an online brainstorming session.

If you have any tips you would like to share, please join this Facebook Group and post to the wall.

I think it would be fun to collect the very best of these ideas and reprint them in the form of an ebook or a series of articles.

I believe I have some of the smartest readers on the web, so I can't wait to see what comments you post. Try to make your tips short, and please go sparingly on anything that might appear to be self serving or self promotional.

Thanks in advance for your help and participation.

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5 Ways to Leverage Twitter for your Business

I wasn't going to write a blog post today (it's Saturday and I was just going to relax), but I just read a really good article called, Five Use Cases to Leverage Twitter for your Business, by Bernhard Schindlholzer in the blog, Customer Experience Labs.

He has identified five business uses for Twitter. On one level, he really doesn't break new ground here, but he does lay out his ideas very clearly and concisely. Here are the five ways Schindlholzer has indentified:
  1. Listen To The Customer. Twitter is unparalleled as a tool to create and engage in two-way conversations with your clients and customers. The feedback is instant and raw.
  2. Proactive Customer Service. Too often known customer service issues go unchecked. What could be better for a company to let its customers know that they are aware of a problem and to explain what steps it is doing to correct it. Moreover, it can also give customers ways to avoid the problem in the first place.
  3. Recruitment. For those companies that actually ARE looking for new talent during this recession, Twitter provides a new channel to seek them out.
  4. Customer Feedback. Ask customers for their opinions on new products or services, engage them in product development, allow them to help in fine tuning every aspect of your business, solicit their ideas on how to improve your service. The list goes on, but the point is that Twitter is the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to get customer input.
  5. Viral Marketing. If you want to get the word out and create buzz. Nothing works better than Twitter if used as one part of your efforts. Twitter users are exxtraordinarily generous about retweeting or passing along your message if it is interesting and relevant (ie not thinly disguised hype).

    For additonal info on the viral power of Twitter, see 3 Ways to Lose Money on Your Next Twitter Marketing Project, an excellent article written by Kenneth Wu.

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10 Ways to Grow Your Business With Twitter

  1. Twitter is the ultimate networking tool, it can help you reach out and make meaningful connections with more people, faster, than any other way in existence. If you believe in networking in your offline business world, take it online with Twitter.

  2. As long as you have something interesting to say, Twitter can help you create relationships with high level people you could never reach in the offline world. Twitter can literally get you access to people who would otherwise be insulated by many levels of gatekeepers.

  3. Twitter can drive instant, targeted traffic to your website, blog, Facebook or LinkedIn page, or your Google Profile.

  4. You can target your Twitter network by keywords, topics of interest or by geography.

  5. Twitter is not just about blasting out your message to anyone and everyone. One of the biggest values is what you will learn. By listening to others, you will find out more than you could ever learn from any other resource.

  6. Twitter can help you become a recognized expert in your field. If you consistently find and send out useful, helpful, problem-solving information, you will gather a following and become an authority.

  7. Sharing quality information is one of the best ways to build relationships. Twitter is the online equivalent to clipping out informative articles and mailing them to people who might be helped by that information. Except Twitter makes it easier, faster and it’s free.

  8. Use Twitter to get the word out fast. Example: A pizza restaurant in New Orleans built a list of local followers within a certain zip code. Whenever they “tweet” about a special offer their phone instantly rings off the hook.

  9. You can do market research and get instant feedback on Twitter by conducting surveys. is an excellent, and easy to use, app for conducting surveys on Twitter.

  10. Twitter is the perfect tool to turn strangers into contacts and contacts into friends. You really can develop quality relationships if you are helpful, generous, share and considerate (you know, all those things you were taught in kindergarten).

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An Open Letter to Twitter - A Monetization Idea

Dear Twitter Creators,

First, I want to thank you for creating the most powerful communication and marketing tool ever invented.

I really believe this. Look at what is happening in Iran at this very moment. Protestors of their stolen election are getting the word out - despite the government’s efforts to block them - by using Twitter and other social media platforms.

Also look at the skillful use of social media by the Obama campaign. Love him or hate him, his team used social media masterfully to move a country, one tweet at a time.

However, it is in the area of marketing that your invention really shines. As long as a marketer adopts a content marketing approach in which providing free, quality information is the magnet to attract clients, no other tool comes close.

But my big concern is that Twitter needs to become profitable in order to succeed long term. From what I’ve read, you have not come upon a legitimate way to monetize your creation. Nevertheless, I for one am depending on you to turn a profit.

I want Twitter to succeed and prosper so that it can continue to exist and remain viable on the world’s stage.

So here is my suggestion (and I hasten to add that if someone has already thought of this before me, I will gladly cede credit).

All of us who use Twitter must “pay our way.” This does not mean you should charge a subscription fee to join or use Twitter. Instead, I think you should continue to offer it without charge.

But we users can still “pay our way” by agreeing to receive one commercial tweet per hour.

Change your terms of use agreement to require us to receive a commercial tweet each hour. Give us a checklist of information when we sign up or agree to the new terms of use, that enables us to select what topics we are most interested in receiving tweets about. This would give your advertisers the ability to target us by our areas of interest.

I for one, would gladly receive one commecial tweet per hour if it meant helping Twitter achieve financial viability. This is even more true if these tweets target subjects I have a strong interest in.

Does this does not mean I want to be spammed by Twitter? Not at all. Ideally these tweets would provide links to helpful content.

For some offerings these links could be useful tips and ideas, or “news you can use.” Other offerings could link to white papers, case studies or other educational content. They could take on the form of advertorials or, better yet, blog posts that invite comments and trackback links.

These same blog posts could also offer RSS feeds so that if users find this content valuable, they could opt in to receive daily updates by subscription. This would make the service even more valuable for advertisers. As a single ad could create many blog subscribers.

Will this one-commercial-tweet-per-hour idea work? I don’t see why not. Smart advertisers are constantly looking for ways to get people to read their content anyway. This proposal would expand the reach of their content to every Twitter user in the world.

When integrated with a smart content marketing game plan, these hourly tweets could have a huge impact on any advertiser’s bottom line.

Well there you have it, my own simple solution to one of the most vexing problems of our day, “How to monetize Twitter so that it will continue to serve our needs.”

Does anyone have any comments or suggestions? I am happy to hear them from you. Let me know what you think.

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